Goodbye 27

Today is the last day of 27 years old, it means i'm counting down my 30 but i looked immature & young.....................Actually, it's the fact.

Proven as shown below

佩欣: 為什麼你去陽明山玩沒有拍照
佩欣: 你跟嚴都是單眼哎
雪: 我是內雙
雪: 我要強調
佩欣: 我是說數位單眼相機.................................................

After that, we are non-stop laughing.


i have many question in my mind during this year.

When will i marry?
Will i change my career path in Taiwan?
Can i get along with his relatives?
How's my family in the future?

i'm so confused for my future and have no detail plan for it.
My courages & believe is not enough & strength.
i hope i become mature & responsible to solve the problem & difficulties with you.

I try my best